Schloss Wildegg

cold - kalt

On a cold, windy and rainy Saturday, Miriam and I met up with our castle buddies, Birgit and Banyan and headed to the Habsburg Castle. We got there a few minutes before they opened. We were very excited to see the castle where the Habsburg royalty lived. Unliked by most, they controlled the power and parts of Europe we spend much of our time.  However, today most of the castle is a restaurant. We were able to go into one tower, but it did feel like a bit of a letdown.

A quick Google search lead us to a 15 minute drive to Schloss Wildegg. This baroque castle was a wonderful surprise.

The castle was large with many rooms and filled with artifacts from the time.  Indoor and outdoor horse barns (maybe for the winter?), wine cellars, vegetable storage rooms, guest rooms, billiard room, and more.  

One interesting piece spotted was the stone spiral staircase. Each piece had to be perfectly carved and then set upon the next.

Another fun surprise, the Slow Food community had set up a market throughout the grounds. We were able to support a couple of the vendors along the way.

Though the grounds looked like something we could spend a lot of time exploring, due to the cold - we grabbed a hot chocolate at the restaurant and headed home.